Ethical principles for editors
The editors of the journal are guided by the following ethical principles:
- editorial impartiality;
- confidentiality protection (of researchers, authors, reviewers);
- observing scientific ethics when reviewing articles, encouraging honest scientific discussion between authors and reviewers;
- the existence of contractual relations between the publishing house, editors and authors;
- intellectual property and copyright protection;
- rejection of the manuscript in case of detection of previously published materials (plagiarism) by other authors without reference to primary sources;
- non-disclosure of personal information of authors, reviewers and other information obtained during professional interaction;
- making editorial changes to the article in agreement with the authors.
Ethical principles during peer review
Editors try to eliminate "conflicts of interest" between authors and reviewers.
Editors adhere to the following basic principles when reviewing articles:
- maintaining the confidentiality of the expert assessment;
- objectivity and constructiveness in preparing reviews;
- notifying editors of conflicts of interest;
- the content of the review should not be influenced by the origin of the manuscript, the nationality of the authors, gender, religion or political beliefs;
- reviewers should not use the information obtained during the review for personal purposes or for the interests of others.
The authors of the materials submitted to the editorial office are fully responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the articles, compliance with the legislative, moral and ethical norms of the materials.
The editors recommend that authors adhere to the following principles:
- compliance of publication materials with ethical and legal norms;
- research originality and scientific innovation;
- reliability of the obtained results: researchers must clearly present the methodology of the work, so that their results can be confirmed by other researchers;
- recognition of other people's contributions, provision of bibliographic references to used scientific works;
- presentation of the study as co-authors of all participants;
- informing the authors about the discovery of errors or inaccuracies in the publication and interacting with the editors to eliminate the errors as soon as possible or return the publication;
- not using information in the article without referring to primary sources (plagiarism).
It is the policy of the editorial board of Construction Economics and Management to follow the recommendations of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).